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Strategy for boosting cash flow

Revenue, Profit, and Cash: A Trifecta for Thriving in the Post-Covid Economy


“Revenue is Vanity, Profit is Sanity, and Cash is Reality.” These timeless words uttered by the former Volvo CEO in the early 1980s are more relevant now than ever before. In a post-Covid world, businesses are grappling with new challenges and uncertainties, making the management of cash drivers paramount to success. This article will dissect this aphorism and unveil why focusing on cash drivers is vital in the current economic landscape. 

Revenue is Vanity 

Revenue is often seen as a measure of success, reflecting the top-line growth of a business. But is it the full picture? 

  • Deceptive Growth: Revenue growth without a clear understanding of costs can lead to financial instability. 
  • Quality vs. Quantity: Chasing revenue at any cost might bring quantity but not necessarily quality, impacting long-term sustainability. 
  • The Workshop Connection: Our workshop on cash drivers delves into areas such as Price and Volume, revealing how to balance revenue growth with profitability. 

Profit is Sanity 

Profit is the lifeline of any business, keeping it grounded and viable. 

  • Indicator of Efficiency: Profit reveals how well resources are utilized, translating revenue into tangible gains. 
  • Sustainable Growth: Profitable operations enable reinvestment into growth, ensuring a stable foundation. 
  • COGS and Overheads: Our workshop emphasizes the importance of controlling Costs of Goods Sold and Overheads, critical elements of profit management in a post-Covid economy. 

Cash is Reality 

Cash is the ultimate truth in business, impacting liquidity, solvency, and agility. 

  • Cash Flow Management: Effective management of Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Inventory ensures that cash is available when needed. 
  • Surviving Uncertainty: The post-Covid economy is fraught with volatility. Having cash reserves allows for quick adaptation. 
  • The Profit-First Approach: Our workshop aligns with the principle that cash is king, translating Net Profit Targets into actionable plans to protect and accelerate results. 

Why the Workshop on Cash Drivers? 

Understanding and managing the 7 cash drivers – Price, Volume, COGS, Overheads, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Inventory – is essential in a rapidly changing economic environment. 

  1. Immediate Impact: Targeted changes in these drivers can lead to immediate improvements in cash flow. 
  1. Strategic Alignment: Aligning cash drivers with strategic goals ensures long-term sustainability. 
  1. Post-Covid Relevance: The workshop equips businesses to navigate the unique challenges of the post-Covid economy, focusing on cash reality. 


“Revenue is Vanity, Profit is Sanity, and Cash is Reality” is not just a slogan; it’s a strategic roadmap for businesses seeking to thrive in today’s complex market. Our workshop on cash drivers is designed to empower business owners with the tools they need to transform these principles into action. 

If you want to gain mastery over the critical levers that drive your business’s financial health, join us at The Growth Engineer for an in-depth exploration of cash drivers. Learn more about the opportunity here.