All posts by admin.

Velvet Ropes and Values?

I’ve been working with two clients recently who have similar issues – they cannot seem to recruit the right people.  Both have difficulty in getting people to apply; and when people do apply, the majority…

To GP or not to GP?  That is the question!

Apologies to Shakespeare, but I am often asked a variant of that question by my clients?  It is usually done in the form of “We have this large order, but the GP% is quite low. …

The N in GNU stands for “Naches”.  This is what drives that feeling for me.

Easter is always a good time to reflect on what has happened, in your life and while you are at it, in your business. For me this is the time to look at my client’s…

The Ethics of 10X

We all talk of ethics and doing the honorable thing, or following true north or living by the golden rule, or using some similar saying, but do we apply this to ourselves? I have recently…

Strategy Shmattergy! – What’s the fuss? / It’s the Fandamily Business – stupid!

As an executive coach specialising in Family Owned businesses, I often run into the laments of family members – “We are so busy! Everything happens so fast.  The pressure is just increasing – we can’t…

Rediscovering the Power of Focus

A few nights ago, my wife and I were sitting on the couch together discussing the day and I showed her a post I had made into a private Mastermind Group.  It was meant to…

Pre-eminence or Price: Chinese (and European) suppliers trying to muscle in on Australian Market

During our monthly board review, one of the companies I coach highlighted an issue where they have become aware of one of their Chinese suppliers contacting several of their retail customers directly.  The company in…

The Mystery Diner

Last night my wife and I were watching Mystery Diner on SBS food. It is a programme where the owner of a restaurant calls in a company to undertake an investigation as to why the…

Is your superb customer service stopping you from growing your business?

As a business coach, one of the most common challenges I face is how to improve sales, often when the company under scrutiny is a wholesaler importing and distributing generic products. This type of business often…

Does your Business have a ‘Broken Window’?

During the early 1990’s New York was considered to have amongst the highest incidents of crime in the world.  In order to combat this, Mayor Rudi Giuliani implemented his ‘broken window’ policy.  Whether or not…